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Author Topic: The Avalon Legacy - Updated 12/03/08 - Chapter 23  (Read 146338 times)
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« Reply #345 on: November 03, 2008, 08:34:32 am » did it again...comedy central. Been waiting for this update for awhile. I might have to start sending my sim teens to college again...see what kind of trouble they can stir up. Keep the updates coming...great stuff.

The sims are like ants and I'm the mean little kid with the magnifying glass...muahahaha!

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« Reply #346 on: November 04, 2008, 08:28:12 pm »

Ha ha.  Yeah, 2B, definitely understand you there!  I can never play a family long enough to get past the second gen most of the time! (Though I am proud of myself, I managed to get the third gen of a family to a teen! Cheesy  We'll see how long that lasts!)
I also find it hilarious how we just so casually say things like this when it comes to the sims: "Hm... Yes. I am growing rather bored of these sims.  I think I'll kill them off so I can get new ones.  I'm thinking... fire?" :lol:

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #347 on: November 04, 2008, 11:19:53 pm »

Thank you, Rosebud!  I appreciate the compliment.

Medagic and 2B - for shame!  Killing innocent sims.  I would never do such a thing.  I've never taken out entire neighborhoods methodically and without remorse...more than once.  I've never played the Black Widow Challenge and enjoyed it so much that I killed a good 27 sims or so before I got bored.  Never.:evil5:

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #348 on: November 05, 2008, 05:54:31 am »

Heh... I read a Black Widow story once, that was based in, and used characters from, Strangetown. It was very well written, although the theme made it predictable - so you can imagine how I felt when she worked through most of the Grunts (barring Buck) and Johnny Smith Sad

As sad as it may sound, I couldn't do that. I just couldn't bring myself to kill sims like that - I'm too nice :angel: It's bad enough killing characters for stories...

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« Reply #349 on: November 05, 2008, 10:34:16 pm »

Sadie is always dropping hints and making me wonder. She's got some great stories too. These two together could make one great story =]

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« Reply #350 on: November 15, 2008, 07:55:24 pm »

Ha.  I have a friend who would never kill a sim.  Me and some other friends were getting sick of this one annoying townie and wanted to kill him and she was like screaming at us not to.  Tongue Some people are just strange I guess.  
(And is Sadie dropping hints???  Or just messing with our minds??)

Link: The tights-wearing, puzzle-solving wonder!
"You know, you'd think that after seven dungeons you'd have figured out how to open a door without breaking the key." -Nami (

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« Reply #351 on: November 16, 2008, 09:26:52 am »

Lmao, that cat seriously needed therapy, there was like 5 or 6 pictures of him thinking about pizza. And the picture of, umm, the dad with the glasses saying he'll be missed, there's someone thinking about pizza in the background :'D

Wonder who, lol.

I am Madi_Loves_Yew.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #352 on: November 16, 2008, 02:14:47 pm »

I bet Sadie is just messing with your minds.  Isn't that what us writers like to do? Wink

Yeah, that cat cracked me up.  One track mind, eh?

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« Reply #353 on: November 27, 2008, 12:19:55 pm »

I love this legacy. :'D

I showed my brother the whole thing and every time the cat thought about pizza he cracked up and starting rolling on the floor. Cheesy

Can't wait for 23!

I am Madi_Loves_Yew.

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« Reply #354 on: November 27, 2008, 06:46:14 pm »

You're lucky. My pets never think anything funny. =]

Looking forward to your next update! =]
Astral Faery

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« Reply #355 on: December 13, 2008, 12:03:10 pm »

OMG - finally - another update, lol!

Thank you Madi and ilovejb!

Also, I know the links are all messed up, but I'm having difficulty fixing them.  So, either I've suddenly gone retarded (possible), or they just refuse to work correctly.  It will look perfect in the edit screen, but not show up on the main page.  Or the title isn't reflected on each page but it is in the topic thread title.   Huh?  Sorry for the weirdness - hopefully it will work itself out!

The Avalon Legacy - Chapter 23 - The Stinky Dramatic Episode

Drake is reeling over the smell of the girl who kicked over the garbage can, while Ocean doesn't think my hubby smells too fragrant.

Then the girl's smell wafts over to Joseph.  Apparently, Ocean hasn't gotten a whiff of her yet, he's still complaining about Joseph.

Garbage girl complains about Joseph while he complains about her.

Finally the girl's putrid odor reaches Ocean's and Drake's nostrils.  They both stifle a gag.

Joseph excuses himself to go home and take a shower.

The boys are quite grateful.

Ocean:  Oh honey.  Your farts smell like flowers.

Arynn:  Teehee!

The resident streaker makes an appearance.  The maid eyes him skeptically.  That maid has some potential, don't you think?

For heaven's sake, Arynn, enough is enough.  I never farted at the table that much!  Ocean gets a giggle out of it.

Then he finally notices the nude man standing in the middle of the kitchen.  He screams in fright.  Arynn looks completely unsurprised.  And unimpressed.

Um...I'm not sure what she's doing with her hand, but it almost looks like she's 'weighing her options', if you get my drift.

Apparently Ocean stacks up to be the winner.

Hey, a transparent garbage bag.  Interesting.

The maid has gotten a makeover, and I must say, he's looking quite handsome.  The streaker tries to distract him, but is unsuccessful.

Apparently, the maid likes Arynn.  I see Ocean right outside the window.  I wonder how he would react to Arynn being naked in the bathroom with some other guy.  Of course, as is her nature, she's just doing her thing and ignoring him.

The  maid tries to impress Arynn by ventrilofarting her.  But she doesn't like it.

Ah, geez!  Can't we just get through one chapter without this woman?

The first thing she does is hit the maid in the face with a pillow.  Well, can't say he didn't deserve that.

By now I've completely forgotten this woman's name.  So I'm going to start calling her DramaQueen.

And here's exactly why she lives up to her name so perfectly.  Ocean walks up and hugs Arynn, DramaQueen has a hissy fit.  Apparently, she's still under the impression that there's something going on between her and Ocean.

She slaps Ocean, who is so surprised he's smiling in disbelief.  Arynn thinks it's kind of funny.

And she still slaps him while Arynn swoons.

DramaQueen announces that it's over with an overly dramatic flair, while Arynn looks on.

Ocean is furious, Arynn is indifferent.

But one thing Arynn never misses is the opportunity to do is punch people.

Drake:  Dude!  What was that for?

Arynn:  Just because I felt like it, bro.

Arynn cheats in chess.  DramaQueen looks over her shoulder unwittingly.

I don't know how Ocean can sleep with Aubrey playing his video games right next to him.  He must be really tired.

Uh-oh.  Drake and DramaQueen in the same room together...alone.  Well, the maid is there, but no one really cares about him.  Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

And suddenly she's in the livingroom with Ocean.  How did she do that?  And by the way, she's been there all night.  She could really use a shower!  I can practically smell her stench from here.

And she's back to her usual tricks.  Ocean rejects her.

Look at that face!  I might even feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a sleaze.

She tries to hug him again...

And he rejects her again.  She doesn't learn to easily, does she?

OMG MY EYES!!!  What the hell am I looking at!?  Please, if there is a God, don't tell me I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing!  Cripes, Aubrey, have you no pride?

Later in the kitchen...

DramaQueen:  This sandwich tastes like fart, yum!

And now Aubrey is dancing with Mallory.  Okay...

Mallory:  Actually, nothing turns me off.

Er...that's a little more info than I needed to hear.

Aubrey:  So what do you do for a living?

Mallory:  I'm a Criminal Mastermind.

What?  Hold the phone!  Her!?  At the top of the crime ring?

I have a really hard time believing it with that soft face of hers.

Things go from bad to worse when DramaQueen decided to leap into Drake's arms...right in front of Aubrey.

And he doesn't take it too well.  He confronts her.

And slaps the tar out of her while Drake waves at him like nothing ever happened.

Then, and this is really weird, both Aubrey and DramaQueen wave at each other!  All the while her face is scowling and his grades are dropping.

Aubrey has a breakdown while the crazy professor chats it up with the llama.

I go to check on the girls and find Arynn cheating at chess again.  Looks like she's been caught, too.

Ah, jeez.  A mother hates to see this.

Poor kid.

Arynn:  Honest, it's really there.  Just keep looking.

Arynn:  What?  I so did not cheat.

Remember how last chapter I couldn't get through the whole thing without stopping to spew my stomach contents?  Well, I'm starting to feel that way again!

GASP!!  What's this?  Am I seeing things correctly?  Aubrey is flirting with Mallory!  Hooray!  That's excellent!

Ooh - not impressive, Aubrey.  Mallory smiles out of politeness, but I wonder what she's really thinking.  This reminds me of Aubrey's teen years.

Aubrey:  OW!  You hit my nose!

DramaQueen:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Aubrey:  It's not funny!  It really hurts.  I think you broke it!

And that results in more grade reduction.

You know what that means.  Sigh.

Will Aubrey's love life ever get straightened out?  Will PsychoDramaQueen ever just leave?  Will Aubrey pass?  Tune in next time to find out!

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 02:56:31 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

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« Reply #356 on: December 14, 2008, 03:33:21 pm »

That was a lot of drama. That professor needs to just move on...perhaps to another school. Great update. Maybe Aubrey will man up and take a real interest in Mallory.

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« Reply #357 on: December 14, 2008, 08:44:03 pm »

You were having all together TOO MUCH FUN with that freakin' "fart fest", Ms Faery!

Another hilarious chapter! Good job...lotsa  laughs, as always.

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #358 on: December 16, 2008, 11:16:29 am »

Thanks, Aji.  Oh we're not even done with Miss Psycho Britches, yet.  She comes back for at least one more chapter.  We're all rooting for Aubry to leap to Mallory and leave that woman, lol.

Sugah - yes.  Yes I did.  Had loads of fun with the fartfest and stinkorama, lol.  Thanks for the comments!

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« Reply #359 on: December 16, 2008, 08:00:46 pm »

I loved the update! This site lately.. Lol.
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