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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-four
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Topic: Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-four (Read 173752 times)
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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #390 on:
October 22, 2008, 05:13:47 am »
@RIP: Yep, and Lilith is the mythical demon woman who supposedly spawned creatures such as lamia, succubi etc. Or something like that. Clever naming there on Maxis's part, eh?
Oh, and *squeals* Your avi is so cute!
@steelguy: Just what I wanted to get across. Ironically Daniel's the nicest one; with him screwing around and their mum not being the nicest of women (she just strikes me as that kind of person), they didn't have much of a chance really. As I said to Axel, the whole family need their heads banging together, and what better way to do it than by showing them how lucky they really are?
@AS: Yeah, poor Ripp
He's clinging to the edge by his fingertips right now, although getting that weight off his chest will have helped a little. About the twins - setting a scene for later, medears
There'll be a few "cameo" scenes that don't seem to make much sense on their own, but all come together later
@rachel: Yeah, same here. That's definitely what needs to happen, and now will be - thanks to someone they used to look down on for being gay! :lol:
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #391 on:
October 22, 2008, 07:59:20 am »
Yeah, same here. Angela is not all bad. Give ripp a bouquet! But then their boyfriends would be jealous.
You know that Stephen picture from sim secrets? I betcha it was Hooligan who put it there!
Just a guess
Sim Randomness, Cookies, Hot Tubs, and The Baby Sim God
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #392 on:
October 22, 2008, 10:02:22 am »
I never knew about Lilith spawning lamia... I do know she was supposed to be the first wife of Adam in Hebrew mystic texts though, but she was banished from Eden for doing something evil, so Eve was made from Adam's rib to replace her. I don't know the text in question... but I think it begins with an H? Not the Hadith, cos that's the Islamic women's mystical text... um, am I getting confused?
Posts: 28
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #393 on:
October 22, 2008, 10:29:38 am »
Actually - like said, Lilith was the first wife Adam, but instead of being created from his rib, like Eve, she was created from the same dust, at the same time as Adam - thusly she saw herself as an equal to Adam, and refused to be submissive or behave in a subservient manner. She insisted on being on top, but Adam wouldn't have it, and try to force her into submission. She was not banished, but supposedly flew away to a cave where she cavorted with hordes of demon lovers - hence her nickname being known as "The Mother of all Demons"...
Annnnnnd I'll shut up now... this is not a history/legend review story x.x :ot:
I'm lurking... do not distrub the lurking... :smt106
Posts: 505
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #394 on:
October 22, 2008, 10:53:00 am »
I loved this chapter! I also like the pleasantville sisters getting close, in my story I didn't want to perpetuate their feud it didn't seem to suit either one of the sisters once you have them grow up a bit.
Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"
You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #395 on:
October 22, 2008, 12:22:53 pm »
It seems there's tons of myths etc. surrounding
, so in a sense we're all right, I guess ^_^
@Zorom: I thought the same actually
Would they be jealous with them both buying him something?
@Vicky: Thanks
Yeah, Angela was bound to realise what was happening at some point. As for the parents? Who knows.
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #396 on:
October 24, 2008, 04:06:49 am »
Quote from: rachel631;1429136
That's pretty darn cute... y'know, people always want to kill Angela, but I always wanted to see her and Lilith get on and gang up on their parents a bit...
I dunno, personally, I always screw her up a bit, but I tend to give her a happy ending. :twocents:
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Posts: 117
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #397 on:
October 24, 2008, 07:57:58 am »
I never really wanted to kill Angela, I just wanted her and Lilith to get along.
But as for their parents....
Well, that's another story
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
Posts: 1403
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #398 on:
October 25, 2008, 12:09:03 am »
Quote from: 2*B~Weird;1432205
It very well could be if anyone wanted to take that family on.
But anyways I loves this chapter, though I'm a little bit confused about how exactly they all calmed down at the therapy place or whatever it was. I read it a few times and i still couldn't make sense of why they no longer felt the urge to kill him. Do you mind explaining or is it better saved to be explained in a future chapter?
I thought I did :scratch: Oh well: Luke gave a brief explanation to those about to kill him, saying he'd tell them more later on. Then there was the bit with Ripp when STDs got mentioned, which Luke had no idea about. It all becomes clear next chapter
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Posts: 505
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #399 on:
October 28, 2008, 09:56:15 am »
I hope to see more on the don't ask, don't tell soldier with the general that situation runs the risk of being explosive!
Coptic Text
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?"
You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source."
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
Posts: 1403
On hiatus from Insim
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #400 on:
October 28, 2008, 03:16:12 pm »
Oh, it does - not in the way you might be thinking though
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Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
Posts: 1403
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Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #401 on:
October 28, 2008, 10:52:30 pm »
Awww, thanks so much!
:group hu: Will certainly check out yours when it's posted
Speaking of which, I've had to think how I'm arranging this damn story - it's turning out to be a lot longer than I'd initially thought. First I was gonna keep Xeno as is and do the year jump in a sequel. Then Xeno got longer... and longer... and longer...
More and more events materialised that I wanted to write about, and at first I was gonna break it down into a two-part story. That was before I'd gone past chapter thirty-one. Then I started working on the sequel as I got ideas for it, and took a step back as I wondered if it was gonna end up as long as this is getting.
I thought and thought, and realised the answer was going to be no. So, rather than have a humongous first story and an unbalancing sequel, I decided that Xeno itself will need to be split into two "books", or threads in this case. What was part two of this story will now be a sequel of this, posted in a new thread, and the "sequel" I've started recently (set a few years later) has ended up being "book" three instead of two.
Meaning, there's now gonna be another three chapters after this plus an epilogue/interlude chapter, then I'll move onto a different thread for "part" two. Didn't realise I was so far along already... :smt120
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Posts: 83
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #402 on:
October 29, 2008, 04:54:17 am »
Gosh... that's going to be a lot of threads to bring together in only three chapters... I never realised we were so close to the end! Well done for getting this far and playing a legacy... I couldn't have done it!
Sam the T-man
Formerly known as Sadie
Posts: 1403
On hiatus from Insim
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #403 on:
October 29, 2008, 06:00:48 am »
Neither did I 'til I realised how long this was getting! About the first bit - bring together, or leave loose for the next installment? Or both, maybe?
This is just a warm-up; part two is where things really start to happen
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Posts: 235
Xenophobia: Pride & Prejudice - Chapter Twenty-two
Reply #404 on:
October 29, 2008, 01:50:08 pm »
Quote from: Sadie79;1436777
This is just a warm-up; part two is where things really start to happen
And things haven't started to happen yet? :smt120
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