These are recolors for Corrines Punky Guy Thank you Corrine for the Punk Guy Bodyshape its a nice one to have in my game.I fixed His Boots they are Black please redownload.Uploaded all colors of the boots Hahaha. The ones that have Black boots say fixed in the filenames. Thank you, BlooM for all of your hard work and sharing your talent.
Without all of your wonderful Creations the game just wouldn't be so much fun.(1st)
The Mesh is by BlooM the link to get the mesh is here Since I was doing some conversions yesterday with the guys clothing...
I wanted to make a few new outfits for this Punky Guy. I thought you might like to have them.
I gave him a few new shirts but I used some of the jean textures I have made recently for the guys.
I know its not really Hard core punk clothing but I like the Tee shirts.
I also love the cowboy boots bottom its one of my personal favorites for the guys.
I think the outfit gives him a Rockabilly style.
I made two outfits for him. I hope you like them. Nope check that theres four outfits here.
Take care and enjoy your game
PS Hey I fixed his Purple Boots and Updated the files. Thanks for catching that BlooM.