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Author Topic: Between the Light and the Darknes ~~~Chapter 34 - The End~~~  (Read 251116 times)
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« Reply #225 on: March 24, 2008, 02:15:09 pm »

I'm glad to be back Smiley

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« Reply #226 on: March 25, 2008, 09:40:06 am »

you...must continue.

Im looking for judges and prize donations for my upcoming contest Killer Instinct: The search for the next Assassin.  If you're interested or have any questions, pm me Smiley
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Astral Faery

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« Reply #227 on: March 25, 2008, 11:43:19 am »

LOL!  Glad you could make it to the newest chapter.  I will hopefully have chapter 18 completed by the end of the week.  Thanks for reading.

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #228 on: March 27, 2008, 11:50:06 am »

Okay, guys, you might need your seatbelts again...and maybe some tissues.  Enjoy!

This time he knew it was a dream.  The smell of homemade strawberry waffles and fresh brewed coffee filled his nostrils.  He couldn't decide if he has happy he was here or not.  He dressed, skipping the toiletries this time, and went straight toward the stairs.  

He stooped to give Bones a scratch behind the ears.  The giant dog thumped his tail and licked Tim's face.  Tim had to smile in spite of the circumstances.

"Good morning, Timmy," Gertie called from the kitchen.

"Not really, Gertie," he said as he came up beside her.  He turned her around and gave her a hug.

"Why Timothy Mitchell.  What ever is the matter?"

"I want to come home, Gertie.  I don't want to go back to that horrible place."
She pulled back and handed him a cup of coffee.
"Go sit down at the table, dear," she said to him.

He shambled over to the table and sat down.  Tim took a long sip of the steaming brew, letting the liquid scald his throat on the way down.  He put both elbows on the table and put his head on his hands, wrapping his fingers around his head.

Gertie, sensing he'd need it, brought the remainder of the coffee along with a cup for herself and the waffles.  Without being asked, she refilled Tim's cup to the brim and sat down opposite him.
She said nothing, just sat sipping her coffee and waiting for Tim to begin talking.  He took another long sip, then a deep sigh.

"I'm in a bind, Gertie.  I feel so lost.  I don't know what to do.  She's an evil witch.  She tricked me, Gertie.  And now she's going to turn me into her slave.  Ileeya is in big trouble, but I can't help her.  Not now."

Gertie reached over and put her hand on his.
"Timmy.  Nobody blames you for what happened.  You were taken advantage of.  Shirra will stop at nothing to accomplish her goals.  You must fight her.  She's going to try and enter your mind.  But you can't let her.  You must fight her with all you got.  Ileeya is depending on you."

"Does Ileeya know where I am?" Tim asked.

"No.  She still thinks you're in the confinement cell.  Listen, when you feel the tendrils of Shirra's mind reaching out to yours, you fight it.  Resist it.  She'll be too busy concentrating to see that you're resisting her.  Hold on tight until it's done.  And when it's all over, you must not let her know she's failed.  This could be your biggest weapon against her.  Make her think you're bending to her will, do what it takes and when the time is right, you can strike."

"What if I can't pull it off, Gertie?  What if she wants know," he said sheepishy.

"If I told you the entire planet's future hangs on whether or not you can get through one evening of sex with someone you don't want to be with, would you believe me?"

Tim blushed furiously at the mention of it.  "That sounds ridiculous, Gertie."

"What I'm saying, Tim, is that you must not let her know she failed.  If she knows your will is too strong for her to take you, she won't hesitate to let Jondak kill you, and then Ileeya will really be in danger."

She waited a moment while her words sunk in.

"When the ritual is over," Gertie continued, "and she's satisfied she's succeeded, you'll be sent back to your confinement cell, where you'll spend most of the next day.  When you next see Ileeya, you need to warn her.  And help her to find herself."

"But how do I do that?"
"It's time to go now, Tim."
"Gertie...wait!"  he yelled.  But she was already gone and he was alone.


He awoke, but did not open his eyes.  He could tell he was back in Shirra's home, nude, arms and legs magically held.  He could hear Shirra's soft chanting somewhere to his left.  Get ready, Timmy.  

He conjured up a picture of Ileeya and concentrated on it as he felt a prickling sensation in his brain.  It started on one side and then skittered across to the other, and then back and forth, on and on,  like mice running through a maze.  He struggled to maintain focus as a pressure started to build.  He could feel what seemed like icy fingers enveloping the whole of his brain.  Fight it, Timmy.

The pressure rapidly grew intense and he lost sight of Ileeya.  He desperately groped about in the darkness to find her.  Find her, Timmy!  He started to panic then, and was almost taken over.  Don't give in!  Just when he thought he'd lost her for good, he found her again.  His body tensed and bucked as he fought to hold on to her.  

The chanting was horrendously loud, now, and the icy fingers covered his entire head.  Fight it!   He screamed, but heard no noise over the chanting.  He was beginning to think he wasn't going to make it (resist her)when at last the pressure started to subside and the chanting grew fainter.  The icy fingers retreated and the prickling stopped completely.  

He whimpered and a tear escaped his closed lids.  He was sweating and his muscles were cramping from the prolonged tensing.  His breathing, which had gotten pretty erratic during the ritual, was starting to slow to normal.

Something was on the tip of his brain, but he couldn't put his finger on it.  He felt as if he'd forgotten something.  You have to protect her.  Protect who?  

He opened his eyes and saw a woman standing there.  She was quite beautiful and he was instantly smitten.  He wanted to make it his life's purpose to serve her.  You have to protect her.  Right.  Protect her.  That's what he wanted to do.  

"How do you feel, Tim?" the light of his life asked.
"I'm very tired and I ache all over," he answered.
"That should wear off shortly.  How do you feel about me, Tim?"

"I would give my life for you."

She smiled and made a gesture with her hand.  He could suddenly move again.  Shirra reached out to stroke his face.

"I want you to take me, Tim."
"Take you where?" Tim asked.
She laughed, stroking his cheek gently.

Tim grabbed her and kissed her vigorously.  He wrapped a hand in her hair and kissed her neck.  His other hand sensuously traveled from her hip to her back, feeling the curve of her waist.  The passion was intense.  She moaned at his touch and threw her head back.  Tim's kisses grew more heated.  He had to have her!


Jondak stood there, staring stupidly.  The transformation was amazing.  This was clearly not the same Tim he had known before.  His own excitement began to build when he realized that soon, Ileeya would be this devoted to him.
As if suddenly remembering he was standing there, Shirra said, without looking at him, "You're dismissed, Jondak."

He started to protest and then thought better of it.  Now would not be a good time to mention her promise of a reward.  She would probably fly into a rage at his interruption and punish him instead.  He closed his eyes and waited for the teleportation to begin.


Shirra moaned as Tim moved his lips down her body, covering her with kisses.  He was an animal!  And she loved it.  He pushed her down on the bed and had his way with her.  Or was it her way?  Either way, she accomplished what she had set out to do.  Her ritual had been a success.


Tim cradled her in his arms after they were both spent.  She snoozed peacefully beside him.  Find her, Timmy!  He recognized Gertie's voice, but couldn't understand why she would say something so odd.  Resist her!  He tried to push the voice out of his head and stroked Shirra's hair.  He couldn't remember how he got here or what he'd been doing before this, but that didn't matter.  He remembered the prison and the field work, he remembered the Grand Tournament, he even remembered his life on earth.  But he couldn't shake the nagging sensation that he'd forgotten something important.  He tried not to think about it, but didn't have much luck.  He decided he would sleep as an escape from his thoughts.  As he drifted off he felt Shirra's presence next to him and was comforted.  He didn't know what he'd do without her.

When he realized he was back in his apartment on earth, he was annoyed.  He knew it was a dream, but this isn't where he wanted to be, even in a dream.  The food smelled good, it smelled like scrambled eggs on toast, but his bed felt cold and empty without Shirra beside him.  He wanted to spend every waking moment with her, and every dream moment, too.

He walked to the kitchen, past Bones who was hoping for his morning scratch.  He yawned a big doggie yawn and thumped his tail, rolling over onto his back.  When Tim walked past him without even slowing, Bones whined at him and got up to follow him.

Tim reached the kitchen, and without even a hello, said to Gertie, "I don't want to be here.  Why do you keep bringing me here?"

Gertie set the steaming plates on the counter, then turned to face him with sadness in her eyes.  "Oh, Timmy.  The worst has happened.  You put up a good fight, but in the end she won, anyway."

"What are you talking about?" he snapped at her.  His head was starting to throb.  He thought it odd to have a headache in a dream.
"Ileeya is certainly lost, now.  She won't be able to defend herself without your help.  They'll gang up on her and Jondak will have her at long last."

Tim recognized Jondak's name from Shirra's bedchamber.  He was the man that had been standing there watching them.  Tim hadn't cared about that.  The only thing that had mattered was what Shirra wanted.

"Who is Ileeya?" Tim asked her, his headache was getting worse.  He wished she would shut up.

"You've forgotten.  You used to love her.  You have to dig deep within yourself and find your memories.  You have a strong will.  It can't have been broken so easily.  Search yourself, Timothy.  Find the truth.  I know you have it in you."

"What are you blathering about, old woman?"

"Ileeya needs you.  Desperately.  It's not to late to fight it."

"Fight what?  You're not making any sense!"  His head felt like it would explode.
"Fight against Shirra's control over you."
"What do you know about Shirra?" he asked defensively.

"I know that you're completely within her power.  No.  Not completely.  There's a tiny part of you that knows the truth, but you keep pushing it aside.  Embrace it!"

"I've had enough of this crap.  Send me back," Tim said.
"Shirra is evil.  She'll stop at nothing to get what she wants.  She..."

Tim became enraged.  How dare she talk about Shirra that way!  He grabbed Gertie by the neck and picked her up off the floor.  His head was screaming now.  Gertie's eyes bulged as she gagged and sputtered, trying to draw a breath.  She hit him feebly with her balled up fists.

Behind him, Bones started to howl.

"You will not speak of Shirra that way!"  he threw her against the refrigerator and watched as she slid down to the floor in a heap.  She gasped and coughed as she lied there, and then started to sob.  Bones was barking at him now, the hair on his neck bristling, large teeth gleaming.

"Send me back, now!" Tim said through gritted teeth.
Gertie turned her tear stained face up at him.  Tim felt a stab of guilt, but mostly anger toward her.


« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 02:16:10 pm by Astral Faery » Logged

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« Reply #229 on: March 27, 2008, 12:31:30 pm »

OW! I begged u not to stop at the existing part in Sadies story! Bleh Faery ur such a tease just like Sadie! xD Anyway Damn Tim u fool! *slaps him* 2 tings:
Why din't u fought back?!
And why he hits an senior citizen lol! How rude!

Anyway Faery I'm addicted to ur story lol! I realy like it! Can't wait till the next chapter!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 12:33:54 pm by mattitje » Logged

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« Reply #230 on: March 27, 2008, 03:37:35 pm »

Gawd! What a crazy angel she turned out to be!

I wonder if Tim will survive this story.
Sam the T-man
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« Reply #231 on: March 27, 2008, 04:04:43 pm »

Not to mention Ileeya.. boy, when that dame wants something... :pale: Someone should point out to her that if she weren't so crazy/psychotic, she wouldn't get rejected!

Great update!

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« Reply #232 on: March 27, 2008, 04:51:50 pm »

3 words: wow, wow, wow!

I thought Tim would've been stronger than that, but what kind of a story would it be if he just beat Shirra right then and there?

Anyways, lovin your story Astral!

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« Reply #233 on: March 27, 2008, 05:01:51 pm »

I liked how you were able to position the person to hide Tim's errr..."rude bits". Wink

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« Reply #234 on: March 27, 2008, 05:33:29 pm »

ohh meh gawd!
What the poo Tim?! Shirra's terrible, she turned Tim into a monster...
No need to be such an a-hole to Gertie, all she wants to do is help...gahhh i hope Tim finds his true self PRONTO!
Wonderful update, as usual it was intense! Keep up with the great writing and pics!

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« Reply #235 on: March 27, 2008, 05:50:32 pm »

:jaw: he hit an old woman, that was mean!
anyway that was a great update, you never stop amazing me with your hiding of Tim's bits lol
Eeeek another cliffhanger!

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Astral Faery

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« Reply #236 on: March 27, 2008, 09:39:44 pm »

WOW!!!  This is fabulous, you guys!  Truly fabulous!  I leave for a couple of hours and come back to so many beautiful comments - thank you all so very much!  I'm floating on top of the world right now, thanks to you guys.

mattitje - yes, Sadie and I have discussed our evil plan to torment our readers - but you know you love it!  Wink

Cluedo - thanks for reading!  Yes - I had to get pretty creative with the camera in these last couple of chapters - later I was asking myself why I didn't just put him in underwear, lol.

Sadie - LOL - yes, you can draw more flies with honey than vinegar - but poor Shirra just hasn't figured that out.

mpb - so very true - it would be a short and boring story if it ended so quickly.

YH - thanks!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Bumpy again, yes?  It makes it more fun, though, doesn't it?

Lola - yes, another cliffhanger - but it gets worse, I promise!

Thanks again, everyone!  You inspire me to plunge forward and work!

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #237 on: March 27, 2008, 10:08:23 pm »

LOL Evil plans? Us? :angel: Now would we... Who am I kidding? :twisted: It's far too much fun! :muahaha: Oh, the ideas running around in my own head lately... but I'm not gonna hijack this thread Wink

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« Reply #238 on: March 28, 2008, 12:30:34 am »

Agh! Aieeee!!! And also: Whaaaaaaaaaggghh!!!

Sex and Violence and Drama and... and... and... yay!

Okay, question now, who the heck is Gertie? Or is it Gertie, or someone else using her image in the dreams? Or... or... or...

No, I realise you're not going to spill anything, just generally wondering out loud.

Okay. Calm now.
Astral Faery

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« Reply #239 on: March 28, 2008, 12:36:07 pm »

Sadie - it's okay to hijack for a little evil plotting!

steelguy - LOL!  You didn't skip the first chapter, did you?  That's where you first meet Gertie, then she pops back up in a dream later on.  But, I'll tell you - she's Tim's housekeeper/friend.

I'm glad you're enjoying the sex/violence/drama (great story elements, eh? - for me, anyway, lol) - more to come in the next chapter!  Thanks for reading.

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