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Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
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Topic: Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV? (Read 6191 times)
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Posts: 94
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
September 06, 2007, 06:26:48 pm »
I know Squinge is officially not here anymore, and neither are his hacks, but that doesn't mean a lot of us don't still have them installed on our computers and would like to enjoy their benefits until replacements are found.
To that end, please post here what hacks you've removed in an effort to make your game less buggy (BV vacation destinations aren't loading in my game currently, and given I primarily used Squinge's stuff...)
Some of these hacks may not have been Squinge's, if you know where they came from, do please correct me so I can update the list.
Thus far I've removed:
OFB_AllShopsSleeping (expected a conflict with the new hotels, not confirmed)
OFB_ShowerBath (for the same reason)
All of his LTW hacks (you know, the ones that made new ones according to the Uni careers and the one to give LTWs no matter the aspiration, just because he updated them for every EP for some reason and didn't want to risk it.)
youngadultshoppers (also since it deals with community lots, I put this one elsewhere.)
I've also noticed that:
Neverfailplasticsurgery doesn't work anymore.
That's all I've found for now. I'll subscribe to the thread and keep the updates of what needs to be tossed going.
Posts: 2977
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #1 on:
September 06, 2007, 06:30:53 pm »
This post
has a list of Squinges mod I use. They've been run through the hackdiff tool to see what may have been changed with the BV release. And because I was in a good mood, when Sleepycat asked me to check a couple, I checked those too
Posts: 431
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #2 on:
September 06, 2007, 06:36:05 pm »
Quote from: ancienthighway;920019
. And because I was in a good mood, when Sleepycat asked me to check a couple, I checked those too
the one time this year you are in a good mood and i miss it. :crybaby:
:happy8:A closed mouth gathers no foot. :smile:
resistance is futile you will be assimilated
Posts: 2977
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #3 on:
September 06, 2007, 06:55:10 pm »
Poor baby! I'll keep you posted on when I might be in a good mood again, if I'm in a good enough mood to remember.
Posts: 1230
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #4 on:
September 06, 2007, 07:01:22 pm »
*hugs ancienthighway*
Crazy Town
- home of my Sim stories & SC4 Terrains, Sims, hairy Skintones and some clothes & stuff.
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Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #5 on:
September 07, 2007, 09:55:37 pm »
There is another post you can check here too:,9533.25.html
Posts: 431
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #6 on:
September 08, 2007, 10:21:14 am »
so for those of us that are code dumb ( I.E ME) this means that thses mods are ok? or they need updated?
The following have merely had header updates (and do not need to change):
AnyLTWforallaspirations.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F739728 0x1185 CT - Test - Lifetime Want - Woohoo
JumponBedLess.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F4437F2 0x202C Interaction - Jump On Bed - TEST
B 0x7F4437F2 0x206C Jump on Bed - Set Motives
noautonomouscomputer.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F441294 0x2006 Interaction - Chat - TEST
tuckinanyone.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F4437F2 0x209E Interaction - Tuck In - TEST
:happy8:A closed mouth gathers no foot. :smile:
resistance is futile you will be assimilated
Posts: 2977
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #7 on:
September 08, 2007, 10:48:57 am »
Those may or may not need updated. Sorry best I can tell you.
Tuck In and Jump on Bed Less may be borked on just the new hotel beds, or on all of them.
Lifetime Want - Woohoo will be effected by the new BV woohoo spots, but may be ok.
No clue about the computer thing though.
Posts: 921
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #8 on:
September 08, 2007, 03:55:48 pm »
Ancient, I admit I am not so PC savyy but I learn quickly. Now that I installed BV (without a Vista hitch, I may add...have not played yet so I will be punished for being so smug). My question is how do I get the hackdiff to work? I keep clicking on the app; I see a flash but no text appears. What am I doing wrong? Please help! I would like to see what of Squinge's mods I have that are clean for BV that have not been covered so far.
Joey the Whinernator
Posts: 2977
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #9 on:
September 08, 2007, 04:42:00 pm »
AmberDice has
easy to understand instructions on using hackdiff at MATY.
As far as Squinge's mods, Miss Doh has
already run 175
of them through hackdiff.
Posts: 921
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #10 on:
September 08, 2007, 11:50:55 pm »
So far I found that Merola is functioning; the mind control mirror, the multi-painting and the dressers. You still can't dress in outerwear on the dressers but that's okay. Carrigon's debug buy mode still works on all others dressers. Merola is a necessity while we wait for the InSim to be updated.
Hunter's mirror and shower have all of their options. I have not used them yet.
PS: I know this info does not belong with Squinge's mods but they are hacks so I figured I would give the heads up.
Joey the Whinernator
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #11 on:
September 10, 2007, 04:52:27 pm »
Where can I find Squinge's hacks? Did they move to another page or something? Because his were my favorite..
Posts: 19
Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #12 on:
September 10, 2007, 06:36:56 pm »
Squinge's hacks can be found at the Sims2 Graveyard:
I'm using his pregnancywearall hack and have taken two pregnant women on vacations with them. They were at different stages of their pregnancies and I had no issues whatsoever, other than they were whiney and slept a lot. I know someone said that it isn't compatible, but I've had no issues. I played the game for four (human) days before adding any hacks into the game. There have been no issues so far with any of them. *knocks on wood*
Posts: 34
Reply #13 on:
September 11, 2007, 03:33:44 am »
will there be updates for these ?
hirefamilymember.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F01EC29 0x236A Social - Business - Manage - Assign Job - TEST
nomoregypsyvisits.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F17187C 0x1056 Walkby - Gypsy?
PregandServoChangeAppearancePack.package: may require possible updates:
B 0x7F01EC29 0x23A0 Social - Business - Manage - Set Outfit - TEST
B 0x7F01EC29 0x23A2 Social - Business - Manage - Change Into Outfit - TEST
B 0x7F01EC29 0x23A6 Interaction - Business - Change Into Outfit - TEST
B 0x7F4437F2 0x2001 Interaction - Sleep - User Directed - TEST
B 0x7F48AF7A 0x2018 Try On - Skip Actual Clothes Change?
B 0x7F84A9F4 0x200D Interaction - Change Appearance - TEST
B 0x7F8F4EB6 0x2044 CT - Dress for Work
B 0x7FD46CD0 0x02F1 Clothes - Change Outfit - Specify Sim ID
B 0x7FD46CD0 0x050E Clothes - Change Outfit - Business
B 0x7FE10572 0x2004 Interaction - Dresser - Change Into - TEST
B 0x7FE10572 0x2008 Interaction - Dresser - Plan Outfit - TEST
B 0x7FE10572 0x200F Interaction - Buy TEST
B 0x7FE10572 0x2060 EP3 - Interaction - Buy - Clothing - TEST
S 0x7FE10572 0x012E name unsupported
Posts: 1899
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Squinge's Mods: What's Safe for BV?
Reply #14 on:
September 11, 2007, 03:30:12 pm »
This thread is to post about mods that are safe or not to use with BV.
It is NOT to request if some of them will be updated.
If you have a mod you would like to be updated, please post in the mod request section. It does not mean it will be updated, but modder will consider it.
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