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Author Topic: I have two issues to discuss...  (Read 3596 times)
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« on: October 01, 2007, 10:58:37 am »

I have been playing BV for awhile and have 2 issues to bring to the community. First, I loved building beach lots before BV, ( lots with neighborhood water flooding in to look like coastal lots- Bluewater District), but since installing BV, the neighborhood water doesn't flood the lots anymore, I guess the have configured the coast lines to match up with ocean lots.  I wonder if anyone else have noticed that?

Second, I am wondering if this is a glitch or I have to play a different way for having wedding ceremonies in BV.  Before, when you have a wedding with a townie or NPC, you invite them over get married, either by ceremony (arch) or just propose it in your underwear, Tongue and then they become selectable.  I had a sim to invite their love interest on vacation and both wanted to get married. I figured on vacation would be the best place, mind you, the invited guest was not controllable.  They married and the spouse still wasn't controllable, so I figured when they go home, the spouse would come home with her.  This was not the case, and I waited to see if maybe he would come after his work, still no spouse.  I had to invite him over and ask to move in, then he was a part of the household. Weird, my poor sim was gonna be without her spouse, if I hadn't thought to do that. LOL.

Just thought I would throw these finds out there for discussion. Smiley

Michael J. Jackson - Best Entertainer in the World! 1958-2009  Sleep in Peace, Dear Prince.

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« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 03:42:05 pm »

Hi Lewis

I haven't build any coastal lot before BV so I can't help you but yes it's probably a Maxis correction for the new beach settings.

For the marriage the non selection of vacations must block the 2 new weds. If they get married out of a vacation zone the npc join the sim isn't it, even after Bon voyage ?
I have to test but... if it's a Maxis will, erf... Only mods would be able to correct them... Wink

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« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 02:30:54 pm »

I noticed the water problem when I tried to make a pond in a lot that was on higher (much) ground than the coastal area, and it turned the entire (large) lot into a mess.  The ground had to go a long way down from the sidewalk, there was no place to actually build a house, and I would have had to level a large piece and use tons and tons of stairs to go down far enough to get to the pond.  It was just bad.  So yeah, when you have a coast, and BV, ponds become a challenge.
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