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Topic: The Ottomas Dilemma (Read 7447 times)
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Posts: 3
The Ottomas Dilemma
May 25, 2007, 11:12:49 am »
Celesta posted a blog on the Sims 2 site about how to fix the Ottomas family with SimPE. She said it completely fixes the glitches if you do it her way. I guess my question is if you can do this with InSIMenator too since all it is would be to change the father to Peter Ottomas? Other changes I've made with InSIM always show up in SimPE. Has anyone else tried this and if so how is your Ottomas family doing now? Are there any other glitches that popped up afterwards?
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The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #1 on:
May 25, 2007, 09:26:37 pm »
What I did with the Ottomas family was to end the pregnancy with the Insim instead of letting her having the babies. Since it is a bugged pregnancy I did not mind.
You can get her pregnant again afterward. Even eaiser that way.
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The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #2 on:
May 26, 2007, 09:47:57 am »
May I ask, What exactly is the Ottoman family's bug? I've never played them before, and most of the time I just go ahead and delete them from my family bins...
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Sam the T-man
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The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #3 on:
May 26, 2007, 12:45:46 pm »
Same as with the Critturs bug in Pets apparently - the baby is born with some random sim as the father if you check the family tree.
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Posts: 62
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #4 on:
May 28, 2007, 12:28:41 am »
I tryed it both ways-- in one neighborhood I just changed the father's ID to Peter and the other hoods--I deleted the pregnancy and got her pregnant again with the InSIMinator. Both times, the babies were born showing Peter as their father.
Posts: 251
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #5 on:
May 29, 2007, 10:46:22 am »
Sim Estate 2 already has the Ottomas family already altered to download from their bin families for anyone who doesn't use Simpe or Insim.
Sims Mommy
Posts: 1230
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #6 on:
May 29, 2007, 02:18:01 pm »
I deleted the fugly buggers before I even loaded the game and replaced their files with a empty template file by SaraMK (over at MATY)
Crazy Town
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Posts: 49
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #7 on:
May 29, 2007, 08:48:15 pm »
I changed them with the reproductive adjuster to Peter and it stayed that way. Did it for my mother who started to play the game and was really, really mad when she first discovered that the "Father" was Patricia Wan. I use the temporal adjuster to fix the Fugly face trait and now we have to wonderful little kids that are not freaks.
Posts: 42
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #8 on:
May 30, 2007, 11:32:01 pm »
LOL, that was a bug? I thought it was part of the game. I have the Ottomas family in play in 5 of the 6 neighborhoods I have. Only in one did I change the "father's" ID to Peter using the InSim reproductive adjustor. The rest I left as is. It's been pretty interesting. The one time I changed the ID to Peter, I ended up with twin boys, the rest of the twins have been boy/girl.
Posts: 62
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #9 on:
July 11, 2007, 11:52:34 am »
I fixed the pregnancy with the InSIMinator till I saw how ugly the twins are--I started Strangetown over and this time I think that I will have them adopt from the adoption pool--two ugly kids are enough--Two-Jeffs baby wants hack( i believe) will make adopting a baby satisfy having a baby want. Down with the fugglies!!!!
Posts: 25
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #10 on:
July 11, 2007, 12:05:38 pm »
I had Samantha O. leave Peter and marry one of my sims. Once the babies were born I used SimPE to show my sim as the father (I consider it an adoption). They are children now and I've experience no glitches of any kind.
I don't think the boys are that ugly. My sim and Samantha O. just had an adorable baby girl also!
Liam and Ian Ottomas-Madrid:
Kylie Madrid (mom Samantha O. who is now a plant sim):
Oh, do they live in Strangetown? She came home with my sims from work in one of my custom neighborhoods- I never play the premade ones.
Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 12:07:57 pm by Nokomys
Posts: 559
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #11 on:
October 04, 2007, 10:56:43 pm »
I replaced the entire family with better looking versions and a variety of body shapes, and I completely forgot that Samantha was pregnant until the twins were born! I think most of the family was at work and school when the social worker came and took the twins away. I turned their room into a study and got the family a dog, and they've become one of my favorite families to play.
Posts: 44
The Ottomas Dilemma
Reply #12 on:
October 05, 2007, 01:39:26 pm »
they are a really ugly family why did maxis make such an ugly family. i have had no bugs caused by them but if I had my time back i would have deleted them. but sadly I married the oldest son off to one of my sims so now I can't delete them. I soppose I can kill them all off except for him and one of the girls. yes that will work...a plague will infect the ottomas family, good storyline.
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