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Author Topic: My game's deathwish! Please help!  (Read 2981 times)
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Rock Chick

Posts: 650

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« on: February 17, 2007, 07:22:17 pm »

Hiya , I've been having major problems with my game..I have a fairly decent PC
Heres the spec

OS Name   Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version   5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer   Microsoft Corporation
System Name   NEENS-PC
System Manufacturer   System Manufacturer
System Model   System Name
System Type   X86-based PC
Processor   x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~1500 Mhz
Processor   x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~1500 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date   Award Software, Inc. ASUS P4S8X-X ACPI BIOS Revision 1002, 24/01/2003
SMBIOS Version   2.3
Windows Directory   C:\WINDOWS
System Directory   C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device   \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale   United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer   Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name   NEENS-PC\Nina
Time Zone   GMT Standard Time
Total Physical Memory   1,280.00 MB
Available Physical Memory   767.88 MB
Total Virtual Memory   2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory   1.96 GB
Page File Space   2.98 GB
Page File   C:\pagefile.sys

and it can run Maya , Zbrush without fainting...

so why does the game die if I have more than 3gig of downloads? (pretty modest )
I took out pets (mainly due to making stuff for my site) I tried the legacy bodyshop but I seemed to get a different version of the game each time...that's another thread somewhere else though!! I got rid of that finally ...I had to uninstall everything to do so...( I couldn't use any hacks or downloads..even after restarting the game after enabling would just prompt me again each load)

K so now I am starting again from scratch for the 4th time in the past few weeks and It won't allow me to even install the base game..we didn't get to disk 2 before it flashed up a messgae about having trouble with sound res files??? Obviously I had nothing else running, disabled virus checker, no internet and shut down as much background stuff as I could.

Before I take a whopping great big sledge hammer to my stupid machine...please please does someone have any ideas?

:smt119 :h3lp: :hammer: :-(


Posts: 564

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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 05:14:48 am »

I have a comp with your specifications and it couldn't support TS2 Pets. It crashed after 5 minutes play. I gave it up.
My second comp. is a 2.7 Ghz, 1GB RAM and have difficulties to cope with TS2 up to OFB ( I always play hoods with minimum 300 Sims). I noticed that as more houses I add to a hood, as heavier the game flows.
Quantity of downloads doesn't seem to affect the game performance. I played with less than 1GB downloads and increased to 1.5GB downloads and notice no difference in performance.
My present game is installed on a 64bits architecture with 4GB RAM and I teleported half of a hood inside one lot and the game just became a little slower.
Your crashes are probably caused by your comp being under the requirements for the EPs you are probably using.
I suppose that full TS2 plus all people are downloading, will require a much more powerful system.
Try to play without custom contents for some hours (it you can cope with it).
Check how many and how big are the houses you have in your hoods and how many Sims are living in them.
If you still cannot play without a crash, then you need another comp.
Rock Chick

Posts: 650

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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 05:31:59 am »

Thank you for your answer, Pets ran OK , I took it out because of the bodyshop issue
I can't work out why it won't install the base game alone now though
I used up to glamour pack recently to do updates for my site, tryi9ng to get rid of legacy body shop messed it up big time so I am starting from scratch..and now having these problems

My spec a bit clearer


Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP home Edition
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 1280MB RAM
Page File: 358MB used , 2696MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
Dell Model Number:


Name: NVIDIA GeForce MX 440-SE
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip Type: GeForce4 RAMDAC
Approx. Total Memory: 64.0MB

Main Driver: nv4_disp.dll
Version: 6.14.0010.9131


Name: SoundMAX Digital Audio
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 05:34:00 am by Rock Chick » Logged


Posts: 565

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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 08:34:01 am »

Have you tried cleaning the installation disks?

Have you tried installing from another drive?

Is there enough hard drive space available? (stupid question I know but it has to be asked)

Time to think about a new video card but that shouldn't make it not install.

Woohoo U is now CLOSED.
Rock Chick

Posts: 650

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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 04:39:34 pm »

Thanks Micco..I have actually installed the base game onto my c drive but in a new folder (not program files) All body shop stuff is working but not any cc fact , I tried to add some and the game crashed my whole pc...hmm...I had CEP installed...I have never ever been able to use simpe properly either..only photo studio and simpe wizard...and they crash now and then too...hence the distinct lack of objects on my site LOL

I have oodles of space..Thanks for answering xxx Sometimes it's obvious things so it's kind of you to offer x


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« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 09:16:31 pm »

I'm just taking a wild guess here, there's so many different things that could be wrong.  It almost sounds like you have some corrupted files, maybe caused from dirt or scratches on your Sims2 disk or possibly the disk reader itself may need cleaning.  Another possibility is there may be some remnants of the Pets EP lurking around that the uninstaller missed.

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« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2007, 02:52:57 pm »

I am certainly no computer expert, but I had the same problems after installing and trying to use Legacy Body Shop, I still can't use my University for some reason, only the base game. Could be just a glitch with Legacy Body Shop.
Rock Chick

Posts: 650

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« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 04:42:30 pm »

Thanks for answering Veash, And Pixie
I have now got uni and nightlife installed but it rejected OFB..hmm Doesn't bode too well for Seasons Sad

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