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Author Topic: Blue Screen of Death - Help  (Read 17355 times)
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« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2007, 05:54:59 pm »

Yeah I've had issues where my game would just quit and my computer restarted and as soon as I cleared my bad content out, everything worked perfectly. It can be so deceiving at times. The weirdest for me is a bad object causing my game to crash when I was trying to shop for clothing for my sims. Go figure lol.

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« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2007, 05:49:30 pm »

I'm really getting tired of the blue screens.  It seems to only happen in the houses that existed before Pets.  I can have a house that is decorated to the nines and have no probs as long as the house was made after Pets.  My Sims can spend days downtown-most of the time at triple speed with 20 Sims on the lot with no probs-after Pets-it always crashed-I deleted it and put down the same lot(both identical)and I have no crashing probs or less the house I was at before was having probs but I still can get back without a crash.  I have a GeForce 6800 and a gig of ram.  My husband bought another video card(so I can go dual)and another gig of ram.  If that doesn't work than I guess I'll have to go through my 6 gigs of downloads--sob.  If anyone finds a bad download--tell us--I'll do the same.  I wonder if it is a prob with Pets reading old information on the lots?

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« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2007, 11:14:15 pm »

Well I said I'd check my driver version and I had to laugh. I'm only at 6.14. :*)

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Sam the T-man
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« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2007, 01:14:49 pm »

Quote from: afallenangel;534998
Anyone know if you really need to go back as far as 71.89 ?   ... I am pretty sure I was using a more recent driver than that this past summer when I was playing the OFB expansion.  I just got Pets Expansion and started playing again when this problem started happening for me.  Not BSOD  from windows... just a blue screen, then black as if my monitor turns off.  Cant Alt Tab out or Window button out.   All I can do is restart.  

I also play WoW and have recently had to upgrade my vid drivers for that, so trying to figure out if I really need to go that far back on drivers (most recent is the 93.71) or if maybe just one step back might work.  

Thanks to everyone for all their input so far, very helpful!

You don't, no. In fact 71.89 won't work with my latest card - I'm using 77.72, which works fine for me Smiley

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« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2007, 05:40:24 pm »

There seems to be a different answer to this problem for each person/system.

At the moment I am using Clean Installer to get rid of a bunch of CC that I have, but never use. There really is no point in having it... right? I'm keeping only the stuff I use on a regular basis. And hoping it'll help... a little bit. At least with speed and whatnot.

Oh and I have never been able to have 20 people on a lot and have my game just go screaming fast, that only happens right after I install it and any Exp. packs, with no CC....

I'm going to be getting some new hardware too, as soon as I get my tax return... in a couple weeks. I can't wait! I hope this helps too!!!

When you delete CC using Clean Installer, does it also remove it from your system? Or is that file lurking around somewhere, waiting for you to reinstall the game, and the CC... then WHAM! It shows up again??

Rayne Poodle

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« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2007, 06:35:28 pm »

It removes it from your sims game and the sims 2 folder.

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« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2007, 09:06:33 pm »

Quote from: afallenangel;534998
Anyone know if you really need to go back as far as 71.89 ?   ...
Thanks to everyone for all their input so far, very helpful!

Depending on which card version you are having, I also read that many were very succesful with 84.21.

I have played for days now without any problems. I am still touching wood. I had not deleted anything either.

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« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2007, 12:42:12 am »

Well, I'm still hoping it's a CC conflict... or something like that... at least it better be... I just spent all day deleting stuff using CI... looking at one dimensional pics (if they had pics at all) and trying to figure out if I used that item at all... over all, I deleted over 2500 things... and have just over 3000 left... so if anything, I'm hoping my game will be a little faster without all that stuff junking it up :lol

Rayne Poodle

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« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2007, 06:26:37 pm »

I too am having the same probs. it is annoying and i don't play like i use to.But now that i see it's not only me and my comp.I am sure it is pets and i hope ea. comes up with a patch! My husband is experienced with computers and says we are updated on all drivers and more than enough memory and power supply,so it must be Pets.

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« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2007, 06:39:27 pm »

Quote from: dreamcatchermwh;540631
I too am having the same probs. it is annoying and i don't play like i use to.But now that i see it's not only me and my comp.I am sure it is pets and i hope ea. comes up with a patch! My husband is experienced with computers and says we are updated on all drivers and more than enough memory and power supply,so it must be Pets.

Again, have you down graded you drivers? It does seem a problem with many players that their drivers are too new and not compatable with EA at all.

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« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2007, 06:41:24 pm »

Quote from: RaynePoodle;539537
Well, I'm still hoping it's a CC conflict... or something like that... at least it better be... I just spent all day deleting stuff using CI... looking at one dimensional pics (if they had pics at all) and trying to figure out if I used that item at all... over all, I deleted over 2500 things... and have just over 3000 left... so if anything, I'm hoping my game will be a little faster without all that stuff junking it up :lol

You had 5500 of clothes?? Amazing. I only have 1500 files, 445 MB and that inludes skins and make-up too in saved sims folder. You have been busy!
Sam the T-man
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« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2007, 07:10:40 pm »

Quote from: motherspet;539093
Depending on which card version you are having, I also read that many were very succesful with 84.21.

I have played for days now without any problems. I am still touching wood. I had not deleted anything either.

Interesting. I'll give it a go; hopefully it'll agree better with this card than it did my last one...

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« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2007, 10:47:32 pm »

Quote from: motherspet;540670
You had 5500 of clothes?? Amazing. I only have 1500 files, 445 MB and that inludes skins and make-up too in saved sims folder. You have been busy!

You'll die to know I have literally close to 19 gigs of downloads. Needless to say I am working on cleaning it up and the only time I seem to have issues with the game is with Pets or bad CC.

Oh and didn't you know EA has a patch for Pets? It's called Seasons. ;p

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« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2007, 09:17:58 am »

19 gigs! wow, i thought i was bad at 6.5 gigs of cc.  lol. Smiley anyway, i do not know if what i have to tell you all will be helpful, but this is what works for me and the blue screen.  i do not have pests, nor do i have an nvidia graphics card.  i started having the blue screen issue after i installed  ofb.  beos and other experts recommend that you have 25% of your harddrive free.  that may work for some, but not for me.  my pc prefers at least 30% free.  so, if resetting your drivers and all the other tips do not work for you, maybe you should check your available space. just a thought.

Sam the T-man
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« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2007, 04:12:59 pm »

Quote from: Sadie79;540709
Interesting. I'll give it a go; hopefully it'll agree better with this card than it did my last one...

Nope, still getting BSOD with it Sad Trying out 77.77, will keep you posted.

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