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Author Topic: Is anyone using wings3d and milkshape combo  (Read 4674 times)
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« on: September 14, 2006, 03:17:18 pm »

I want to make some new meshes. I am wondering if anyone is using the combo wings3d and milkshape. I searched but I either searched wrong or there are no post about it. I was wondering how it was working for them , ease of use and ll that before I jump into wings.

Thanks ahead of time and take care
Inge Jones

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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 05:11:46 am »

I have just this morning downloaded Wings, after having used Milkshape successfully for a while (with some disappointments) and *attempted* to use Truespace unsuccessfully.

I think Wings has two important things that Milkshape does not, which are the ability to give an absolute size or position, and the ability to select vertices with the object skewed so you can tell which vertex you are picking more easily.

I haven't actually tried completing a sims object in Wings yet, but I intend to give it a good shot.

Please do not PM me with questions about modding.  Please post in an appropriate forum and send me a link to the thread if you would like me to try and help.

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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 08:44:08 am »

Good Day Inge, If I understand correctly you still need to convert the sim in milkshape with the plug in right?

Take care and thanks for your time
Inge Jones

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« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2006, 09:47:15 am »

I was thinking of object meshes really.  It didn't look like the object I loaded in needed anything special doing to it first.

Please do not PM me with questions about modding.  Please post in an appropriate forum and send me a link to the thread if you would like me to try and help.

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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2006, 10:24:25 am »

Well here is the process I am trying.

I want to make the new mesh, I understand milkshape very well. Wings I would be learning. But my understanding of programs like simpe and the type is limited as my interface learning curve is difficult at best. The reason I choose wings is because wings has an export that I can then open the new mesh in Animation Master.

My long term goal is to be able to apply animations and export them then find a way to convert them.  So I have two goals really.

Make my sim meshes I have drawn and then import them into the game as well as upload here. Then import the sim into A:M and animating it. For now for movies and stories as I learn the conversion of the animation codes.

The animations are far off. But the simplicity of them once I get them done would mean new animations in a matter of minutes. I want to move to objects later but I believe them to be more complicated.

By making meshes I will learn the mesh detail and joints making it much easier to understand for animation later.

I could use maya and poser but maya lite will not run on my computer have no idea why.

Anyway I would be really interested in anything you learn as the 3D matrix between object and sim should be the same in working with it except for joint assignments. So if your willing keep me and anyone else up to date and I will do the same.

Take Care

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« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2006, 06:54:34 am »


Wings3D works fine with objects, but it's not the best program for body meshes which don't work in the same way at all; it just allows to move vertices around on an exported obj file that you'll import back through the Mesh Tool, and it may need a workaround to even keep the vertex order. It can't be used to import any other information than the vertex positions (more info here).

Now if you want to play with body animations, as far as I know you'll need to work with smd files (supported by Fragmotion amongst other programs); you'll also need a good understanding of SimPE. My advice would be to take a look on the animation forum at MTS2, you'll get a better idea of what it involves.

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« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2006, 10:37:44 am »

Thanks Marvine. I have been doing that very thing.

I was able to convert a mesh and pull it into animation master also a table Tongue
However I need to find a better conversion because the spline assignments were so messed up. I am gonna grab my copy of fragmotion and see what I can do with it. Otherwise I might as well just use my own 3d models and convert them out of animation master and into milkshape and so on but I suspect since one is a poly and the other is not I will have the same issue.

What I mean by the same, I was speaking from the view of animation master I can animate a table to walk and jump and even add a mouth just like a sim by assigning an action to the section I want so I should have said once I get it into the program they are the same unless I assign it as different.

The amount of work to render a model is allot so I am trying to find ways to perserve the models otherwise I will not have the time to do what I want on a massive scale.

In the mean time I am going to keep tryng to wrap my head around SimPE so in the very least I can make some meshes thankfully I know milkshape well.

I am probably not making any sense...sorry
Thank you for your time and advice you have given me a new view to look through.
Take Care

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« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2006, 12:16:08 pm »


With all due respect - I offer that most of the experience you have with other software will be of detriment to you in the enterprise you are attempting.  Chiefly because the methodology of Maxis here is from outer space.  They felt the need to re-invent the wheel.

None of my experience with AutoCAD was particularly helpful.  Twelve years experience with 3D (including making things for the original The Sims) was not beneficial to me in making body meshes.  Most days I was reduced to cursing or tears.

"There is a certain elegance in wasting time. Any fool can waste money, but when you waste time you waste what is priceless."
-- Maugham, W. Somerset. Ashenden: Or the British Agent.

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« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2006, 12:56:19 pm »

Awww beosboxboy I so understand what you are saying. The worse that happens with my attempts is I learn how to do other stuff anyway so there is a silver lining.

I don't know why Maxis had to go to outer space for there methodology its my nemesis cause my mind pictures the ability to do so much more then I can really do. I have done old school in sim movies and flash movies of *yipes I am gonna say it* drawing each and every frame on a filmstrip just for a 30 second scene cause I am always thinking it could be better. So I am stubborn enough to think there has to be a way to make my little sims do what I want!

I am there god so I reserve the right to keep trying until I implode :happy1:

However on the very cool side I am learning so much about conversion between programs I found some tweaks to help me with my comic book. Now if I could just get A. Premier to talk to A. Master to talk to Poser to talk to Milkshape to talk to SimPE to talk to the Sims 2 I would die happy.

12 years is amazing I tip my hat you have knowledge I would pay for.

Take care and keep doing what you do.
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