EDIT: Disregard this post. Found someone to make the skin. Thank you for your time. Well, I've picked up The Sims 3 and several of the expansion packs. And I happen to be a fan of the now cancelled TV show and still running MMO game
Defiance. So, I decided to start work on doing a sim character based on one of the races of the show. The race I chose is Indogene, which are a race that are primarily bald, pale skin and have a hexagonal skin pattern. Here is a picture of Trenna Keating as her character Doctor Meh Yewll from the show:
Eren Niden from the game:
As you can see from the pictures, the hexagonal pattern for the Indogenes. However, if none of those are hard to see the skin, here's a link to another picture of Ms. Keating as Doc Yewll:
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1544/24614026945_feec2a4f7f_o.jpgSo, from what I'm looking for is either a hexagonal skintone or a full body hexagonal tattoo pattern so to make the Sim for both male and female sims (Yes, there are
male Indogenes in the show's universe). I will admit, I've looked into possibly making the skintone or tattoo pattern myself, but if its already been done, I'd rather download that and get it done without the hassle. Thank you for your time.