-Download a nice alien skin and put it in your dl folder.
-Start bodyshop
-start a new project(genetics) and pick the alien skintone.
-Give your project a name.(call it alien)
-choose export
-when done you see a tab with all ages and genders
-Cancel the project(you will get a message that you can edit it later)
-Go back and start a again a new project, now pick a CPU skintone(call it CPU)
-Again after giving it a name and exported you cancel the project.
-Go to saved projects, you can check both skins there.
-Open Windows explorer or any other proggy that lets you surf throug your computer files(dont close bodyshop, minimize it)
-Go to your projects folder and open the folder ''alien''(its located in your sims folder, below your downloadsfolder)
-select all files with your mouse, then right click your mouse and choose copy
-Go back and open the CPU folder, right click with your mouse on a blanc spot
-choose past
-you get a popup that asks if you want to overwrite excisting files, choose yes
-go back to bodyshop, and check the CPU skintone
-should be green now
-export the skintone, it will be saved in your savedsims folder