@ majalene:
As per new site policy, we do allow linking to the Booty, with a few provisos included. In the words of our own Nouk: - If you link to the Booty for paystuff, link to the original artist's site as well. People can choose whether to buy or not buy themselves, and the creator made the stuff and deserves correct linking and credit. This is a rule, not a suggestion!
And, to wind this up, let me repeat: If you're going to pitch a pay site's goods in a WCIF reply, you'd best be providing the link to the Booty or another free site alternative as well, or risk the deletion of your reply. Same goes for the Booty. If you're going to toss that out there then you had best link to the original creator, as well. Fair is fair.
Don't forget, if you're posting links to donation items, you need to post the link to the booty/fileshared alternative. It's only fair.