Requested by digni7y,
As a nice fellow pointed out, this conversion was already done by Cocomama,
here. When I saw the reply, I had already done the conversion, so I decided to upload them anyway.
But why? When there is something similar available out there. Well, not that similar. I've checked his/her files and mine are much more smaller. Besides that, is the same thing done in a slight different way. And after spending some time, figuring out how to make the neck looks right, I'm not going to keep this only to myself.
I didn't make any recolour, it comes with the three original colours showed below.
Categorized as outwear only and with working fat morph included. Both
Glamour Life and
Seasons are
required for this file to work.
Compressorized for our convenience!
Poly count - 2066
- Thanks to HystericalParoxysm and Beosboxboy for their awesome tutorials.