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Author Topic: Altering growing up process and family history- possible?  (Read 7354 times)
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« on: August 01, 2009, 06:16:57 pm »

If this is the wrong place, I'm sorry, please move it for me.

Ok, I don't have SimPE or anything like that, but if it's necessary for the following, I'll get it.

First of all,, on MTS2 I've seen people upload versions of the same Sim at various ages, however the (for example) teen and adult/young adult versions were "modified seperatly", therefore the teen versions do not grow into their adult counterparts. How can I change that, make it so the teen versions grow into the seperate adult/young adut versions (or even child versions into teen versions and so on, if applicable)? If not, how do I change to the other files (which can apparently involve more than just a change of hair and/or make-up) once the "default" aging-related change occurs?

Also, how, if at all, do I alter a Sim's family history and/or memories?
da coach

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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2009, 07:15:59 pm »

Use the insimenator found on this site.It give's the option to age up,or pick an age for your sim.

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« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 07:34:39 pm »

Use the insimenator found on this site.It give's the option to age up,or pick an age for your sim.

Not what I was asking, at all. Here, let me give as best an example as I can.

I find this guy:

He's available as both a teen and an adult. I download both. However, his description has this lovely disclaimer:

"*PLEASE NOTE* The teen and adult versions were modified INDIVIDUALLY, therefore the teen version does NOT grow into my adult Neville, nor does the adult Neville look like the custom teen version when you turn him into a teen."

What I would like to do is start him as a teen, but have him grow into the adult counterpart I downloaded as opposed to whatever the game proceeds to generate. Failing that, how do I change whatever the game generates to what I prefer?

There are several Sims, not just the one used in this example, I could potentially face that problem with. There's also these guys:

Or her:

Or even this guy (no discalimer, but likely in the same situation):

And then there's this guy, who has models for all ages (again, no disclaimer but likely same situation):
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 07:42:20 pm by valley_neko_x » Logged

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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 01:14:09 pm »

Though this won't change their genetics, so they'll still pass on the face the game gave them to any kids they have, you can change their appearance using SimPE.  You might want to make back-ups of the neighborhood, but you don't have to.

First, make the teen version get them to grow into an adult.  Enter CAS and create a family with the adult version.  Using SimPE, open the file of the neighborhood the sims are in (Neighborhoods/N00#/N00#.package, or in SimPE select the Neighborhood Browser (Tools-Neighborhoods-Neighborhood Browser) and when the screen pops up select the neighborhood.  Then select Sim Surgery (Tools-Neighborhood-Sim Surgery).  Find the teen-grown-into-adult in the Sim Pool section and select them, and then press "Use" in the patient area.  Find the adult version and select them, and press "Use" in the archetype area.  Then press the Surgery button at the bottom, and if a warning comes up press continue.  SimPE will take you to the sim you changed's file.  On the upper right corner of the bottom box there should be a "commit" button.  Press that, save, and quit.

Hope that helped!


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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2010, 09:24:47 pm »

Good tip, he prolly could have used it........8 months ago  Wink

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