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Author Topic: Confused About Obama Speech Regarding Body Art?!  (Read 4534 times)
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« on: June 25, 2009, 10:07:48 pm »

Hey Guys,

I just got a call earlier, from my neighbor telling me to turn my t.v. over to Fox News to hear what Obama had to say about future employees with tattoos, not recieving jobs and being fired, if the said would be employees have exposed tattoos? I was really busy at the time cooking dinner, and by the time I turned to the channel, I must have missed it, because he was gone. I am really freaked out by this new law, if my neighbor didn't missunderstand, because John (my boyfriend) has tattoos on both his arms and hands! Does anyone know anything about this? I googled something of the nature and I got something back about Obama banning police officers, with exposed tattoos the position, could this be what my neighbor heard? huh
Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 10:00:52 am »

I don't know, man. But to me, it doesn't seem like the president has the right to have all people with exposed tattoos fired. It seems like that would be prejudism. My husband also has tattoos on both of his arms, and still has a job (knock on wood). Whether or not exposed tattoos are allowed has always been a choice of the company in question, not the president. And usually, when people do have exposed tattoos, they are not fired, they just have to wear shirts that cover their arms/long pants to cover their legs. I'm honestly not sure what he meant by it, because I didn't see it. But try not to worry. The govt. talks a whole lot of crap about things that aren't even important. In our country's state, Obama would be a fool to worry about something as trivial as our freedom to have body art.

As for the police, no they don't allow exposed tattoos already. If the officers have tattoos on their arms, they have to wear the long sleeved uniform. My uncle is a cop, so I got this from him. Many officers have tattoos and it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2009, 02:23:09 pm »

Thank you SenkoTwiik, for clearing that up for me. I was worried that John would be fired because he has tattoos on both his hands, I mean how the hell do you cover up tattoos on your hands Obama, wear gloves?! Blink I guess my neighbor missunderstood, or something. He is a bit senile so.. lol. I did read something about Obama banning Idaho state police, from retaining and recieving jobs in the department, (so maybe that's what he heard and blew it out of porportion)I mean they are so strict that the department won't even allow officers to have beards! That is just nuts.. I don't know about the whole tattoo and Obama thing, but it seems to me that if Obama is contemplating making this law, that he needs to step back and take a look around, because he is NOT God, and he can't rule Americans like that.
Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 09:38:01 pm »

See, this is why I am anti-establishment, hunni. Obama is supposed to be a liberal, right? Why is he being such a nag about tattoos? Isn't that something snobby Republicans do? Heck, I don't know. This whole government is messed up. That would be just bullpoop, firing hard-working men and women just for having tattoos when some lazy Americans as well as lazy illegals hog up our tax dollars with welfare and don't work at all (yep, illegals CAN get welfare, and no I am not being mean to ALL people that have welfare. Because I have been there and needed it). Doesn't that sound insane? The govt needs to just leave people alone and let them work. We all have enough troubles with jobs and money at a time like this. They do not need to make it worse.

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« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2009, 09:55:31 pm »

I completley agree, I just think its bull that he is putting on this God-like persona off to the people. I talked to my mom about it, and she said for Obama to do something like that would be unethical and discrimitive, and will def. be overturned when so many angry people come banging at the White house door demanding there jobs back, just because Adam took Henrys postion because Henry had body art and Adam did not.. Obama is more worried about foreign affairs, more than he is, his own country (so to speak) I think Obama needs to get more jobs into the country, before we end up with a modern day depression, hell were already in a recession, how much more money does the government want from us?! I was watching t.v. today and a commercial came across saying something like that if the government keeps giving money, to these multi billion dollar corporations that by 2016, oil will be 200$ by the barrell! now that is a shame..I can def. say that Bush has royally screwed America! Thanks Bush! angry
Carnival Freakshow

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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 10:36:29 pm »

I was just talking to my husband about this very thing. He makes only minimum wage, and it was supposed to go up a full dollar, but the government found a way to screw him out of 70cents of that dollar, so it really isn't going up at all. THey are going to tax us to death to take care of crap that we have no responsibility for. Like I said before, Illegals, prisoners, the "war", so much tax money is wasted on the DUMBEST things. I mean, yeah I feel bad for foreign countries, but I certainly don't feel bad enough to give $50 every weekly paycheck to take care of them while my own family sinks. It is not my battle. Something needs to happen. As bad as it sounds, I wish that a new guy would overthrow our system and make a new one that would benefit us, restore our country. Because the way it is going, things are going to get worse. You're right, we are heading into a depression, and it is going to be awful. More hard-working Americans are forced to get on govt. assistance than ever before. I look around and see people at the store, decent people ashamed to be on food stamps because they are losing everything and I wonder, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! How did the govt that is in charge of this not see it coming?

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« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2009, 04:09:18 pm »

You shouldnt believe anything reported by FAUX news when it comes to PRESIDENT Obama, they have gotten tabloid like

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« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2009, 09:33:59 pm »

Don't want to rain on your parade folks, but we can't have debate threads here. They never end well. Ever.

You're welcome to debate/rant/rave to your hearts content over on the adult site though. Thread locked.

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