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The sims 3, What do you think?
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Topic: The sims 3, What do you think? (Read 77015 times)
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Posts: 228
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #150 on:
July 09, 2009, 09:56:04 am »
Yes, it is a shame Roerzman.
To think about all the truly amazing new features the game could have had--as you mentioned interaction with the environment, different heights, deeper personality, a more realistic setting. Would love to have some urban locales or even a city-suburb. Even a train-station or metro station would have been good.
Heck, we can't even make our own neighborhood, or even enter community lots.
I absolutely feel the game was rushed. And if it wasn't, there is seriously no creativity coming out of EA Blackbox.
Just the same old same old.....
Ae Young Kim
Mother of the Year
Posts: 315
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #151 on:
July 09, 2009, 03:39:38 pm »
Just checked the polls at MTS2 and approx 65.4% are in favour of the game.
It looks like those of us who can see this scam for what it really is are very much in the minority. Which is sad because EA. will be very aware of these polls and use these results to justify feeding the community more of the same garbage.
Queen of Caffeine
Posts: 18280
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #152 on:
July 09, 2009, 05:14:57 pm »
Or, it's possible people are simply enjoying the game for what it is. Not everyone who bought the game feels ripped off or like their fingers have been burned, as you've stated a few times. Everyone has differing opinions and likes different things.
One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.
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Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #153 on:
July 09, 2009, 09:43:14 pm »
I can agree with that. Let's just let them enjoy what they like, even if we aren't in that group. Plenty of room for diversity. Some folks like the different feel of it and that's all well and good. It really doesn't detract from the game we like, although I wish some of the stuff and interactions I've heard about could have been slipped into it. I'd love to see Mrs. Crumplebottom happy, just once, when she isn't bashing someone with her purse or getting snockered in a bar.
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Site Santa!
Posts: 481
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #154 on:
July 10, 2009, 06:02:39 am »
LOL, it is what it is, but not what it will be by the time the EPs, SPs, and mods are all done. Same as 1 and 2.
Posts: 303
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #155 on:
July 18, 2009, 04:00:53 pm »
my opinion:
Pros: So far, this game has took A LOT of steps back from the sims 2 and whoever said it's more like the Sims 1.5 is right. There are many things I love about this game like the free roam environment, no loading screens, ect. I like that you can visit other sims houses and vice versa, designing clothes and furniture, and the fact that sims can actually be fat and not that beer belly crap and slightly wider hips they had on the sims 2
cons: THEY TONED DOWN THE DEBUG MODE!!!! lol that was my biggest problem, I miss having the absolute control that "tetingcheatsenabled true" gave me in the Sims 2 I cannot wait for somebody to make an insimenator/sim blender for this game. The Familyfunds cheat doesn't work until you move the the family into their house(which makes it useless becuase I only use that cheat so my sims can move into expensive houses when I don't feel like building) The face options suck, there's no bodyshop, and I'm still not getting the hang of this new custom content method. I've downloaded like 4 mods and so far I've only gotten 1 to work
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Posts: 144
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #156 on:
July 19, 2009, 12:19:15 am »
There are many things I like, one thing is pi**in me off big time: that damned EA Installer
I have installed patterns, the installer says they were installed, and I cant find them in game. It says paint or theme so I look in there and nothing that I installed. Nothing in any other section. wtf? At least with the S2 you knew if something was in game or not. This bloody EA Installer is a piece of crap.
Admin note: Language corrected.
Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 01:44:11 pm by Paden
Site Santa!
Posts: 481
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #157 on:
July 20, 2009, 05:49:15 am »
Yeah, Aquarius. Also the "freerealestate" cheat only works after the sim has moved into their first house. For the initial move, you still have to have the simoleans. I've been able to use freerealestate with split family, though. The furnished option and sometimes the unfurnished will still show as red, but the sim moves anyway and their cash stash is not diminished.
Site Santa!
Posts: 130
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #158 on:
July 20, 2009, 10:30:33 am »
Quote from: roerzman on July 09, 2009, 03:39:38 pm
Just checked the polls at MTS2 and approx 65.4% are in favour of the game.
It looks like those of us who can see this scam for what it really is are very much in the minority. Which is sad because EA. will be very aware of these polls and use these results to justify feeding the community more of the same garbage.
I agree with you to an extent. This game appears to perform considerably better, thanks to free site creators who busted their butts to make things happen. However, like you, I too am concerned that EA might interpret the response of many who bought the game early as "Hey, we can do anything we want ... someone will clean up the mess for nothing", and will do squat to raise the bar in future expansions. That is why I am still of the group that proposes waiting before getting Sims 3 ... at least a few months. (Besides, I'm also cheap, and the price of this game is getting lower and lower on EBay. Should I ever want to buy it, maybe I
get it used for $19.99 soon!
) If we want EA to listen to gamers who want EA to get off the stick (IMO) and improve this game on EA's end before releasing it, the way to hit EA
in the pocketbook. Period. EA won't listen any other way. Complaints won't work.
But really, people are going make up their own minds and make their own decisions. And to brutally honest, there are far more pressing matters that preoccupy my time right now. I find the matter more curious than stressful ... a diversion from my real-life concerns.
As for us being in the minority ... we aren't as small or insignificant as it appears. This game will sell... fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your outlook. The game does appeal to many people. But if you look at Amazon, the reviews are still very mixed, at best. And that constant price drop on EBay is really telling, I believe, as well as the most recent Amazon price drops. (If you play your cards right and wait for the right time, you can get the game for $10 or more off the original price for either version. But the drops are temporary.) Many people really like this game, many truly loathe it, and many are still waiting to get it for whatever reason.
One can also interpret the poll this way: EA might very well have lost about 35% of its loyal customer base for the time being. Can any company be supremely confident that losing 35% of its regular customers won't hurt it?
Could you direct me to the MTS link with the poll, please? I'm curious to see something. This Sims 3 reaction on both sides is really fascinating to study! One can almost do a "thesis" on it! Also, for any of you playing Sims 1, did Sims 2 get the same polarized reaction? I was rather late to the Sims 2 party (2006), so I didn't read the initial reactions to Sims 2.
Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 02:18:20 am by gazania
Posts: 315
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #159 on:
July 20, 2009, 05:38:50 pm »
At the risk of being told to leave sims 3 players enjoy their game again.
EA. appears to be less than comfortable with the success of this game so they are keeping their options open.This has been made obvious by their advertised release of another EP. for sims 2.
The initial release of sims 2 was a logical evolution of the game and as far as I know was wholeheartedly accepted by the sims community and did not polarise the community.
The reason why this game is so radically different is that Rod Humble is trying to make the game his own and as far removed from the original MAXIS idea as possible.
EA. should have bit bullet and taken the extra 12 months to refine the game and release it in its entirety, ie. the ability to interact with more objects and buildings.
They chose instead to release a poor imitation of the game just to allow people to be able to play it on low end pcs and enhance initial sales. These same people will feel ripped off when the EPs. start arriving as well as the CC. because I fear it will take more than extra ram. or graphics card upgrade to make future games playable.
The major gripes with the game at the moment appear to be with the lack of help from AE, random crashes,difficulty in installing CC.the freaky appearance of the sims, rabbit-hole buildings,inability to create community lots, inability to play more than one family,omission of body shop, and some other minor ones.
No doubt most of these issues will be addressed in the near future but at the cost of computing power, Yep, a new pc. not an upgrade.Hence the terms, been had, ripped off, and con, as people who are currently playing it on marginal pcs.will discover by the end of the year.
EA. should have been honest with their minimum requirements,and said, "This is what you can just play the base game on, but this is what we recomend"
Posts: 228
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #160 on:
July 20, 2009, 06:45:32 pm »
Quote from: gazania on July 20, 2009, 10:30:33 am
One can also interpret the poll this way: EA might very well have lost about 35% of its loyal customer base for the time being. Can any company be supremely confident that losing 35% of its regular customers won't hurt it?
lol They definitely lost me as a fan. I bought all of the Sims 2 EPs, but the Sims 3 is nothing special. I don't think I'll ever buy another Sims game from EA again, unless it really impresses me.
For as long as it is human nature to flock to something new and shiny, the Sims 3 will remain popular.
Ae Young Kim
Mother of the Year
Posts: 315
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #161 on:
July 24, 2009, 08:04:53 am »
I have looked at a lot of creations on several sites and the CC, is starting to appear, which is encouraging, but those terrible faces, the males are passable but the females?
Site Santa!
Posts: 130
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #162 on:
July 24, 2009, 01:02:20 pm »
Actually, now that there are better skintones, hair, eyes out there, and more of a variety of sliders, I have to confess that the Sims look a lot better.
Yes. I actually wrote something nice about the Sims 3.
I think that for me, I'm used to changing templates around to my taste, using custom facial templates from creators such as Oepu, Nailati, Pooklet and many more. Using such a wide range of template replacements gives me gorgeous Sims ... or not-so-gorgeous, if I choose. Hopefully, someone will find a way to further fritz around with the facial templates themselves ... not just the sliders. I don't doubt that won't happen.
Posts: 297
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #163 on:
August 07, 2009, 02:16:40 am »
i like it so far had it a week my sis bought it for me cause she knew i wanted it
i like the way you can fix the hair and and eyes to be exact
i like eating apples for boys and watermelon for girls
i like how you can pick how hard they work at work or school
defff love the customized patterns in game
i pretty much like it so far kinda borin though will see
laugh a little louder, smile a little larger, dream a little further, love a little extra and live a little happier!
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