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The sims 3, What do you think?
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Topic: The sims 3, What do you think? (Read 77021 times)
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Posts: 56
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #75 on:
June 13, 2009, 01:34:45 am »
Quote from: Teh Warmonger on June 08, 2009, 12:16:59 am
If you people keep ranting about how the game's graphics suck bad and it lags horribly when you turn the settings to max, I recommend you buy/build yourself a new computer, preferably one that handles applications of the 21st century. If you think the graphics here feels a lot like the first Sims game, it's because you've been playing that game for more than 10 years. Get a job, get a life and stop living off your parents.
If you don't like the game, so be it and don't buy it. Don't go in forums like these and post about the game being a complete waste of money. I bought the game and I like it. Not 100%, considering the missing stuff I like to be added and bugs I want removed. If you got something against my idea of liking the game, I don't really care.
And you shouldn't have to buy a new computer to play the game. Please.
You better be lucky I am new and that this is a family forum because I would have serviced you a plate of what LV is cooking. How dare you insult people because that find fault with the game. I only played sims 1 a few times and admittedly I adore 2, but I have no reason to deride this game just because. It sucks. Simple as that.
Posts: 311
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #76 on:
June 14, 2009, 07:09:00 pm »
I hated it in the beguining.I created 2 different families and I don't know where they are,lol,they are no more.
But now I'm playing The Goths,I changed some stuff like the camera,the aging,people aging around,I'm using Testingcheatsenabled true and I 'm manualy handling the motive thing,I love the game now!You should see the artists playing in the park for money,people listening to them,all sorts of bodyshapes,sims are so incredible cute,they are communicating to each other autonomously,the garden thing is just beautyfull,I love the game now!!!
I hope I'll not lose my Goths,somehow I have to find out how to keep the sims I'm playing in the town,maybe it's as simple as "make a copy of the town"or so.
So I think this will be the best Sim game for me when I'll take the time to realy check out how it realy works.
Love it!
Life is just a game and we are the sims.
Spamming Dork
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Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #77 on:
June 14, 2009, 07:10:12 pm »
I love it. I can't stop playing it
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Posts: 388
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #78 on:
June 15, 2009, 02:26:45 pm »
Quote from: Squinge on June 14, 2009, 07:10:12 pm
I love it. I can't stop playing it
a surprise.
As for me, I also really like it. I do have my little gripes here and there, but they don't bug me too much.
Posts: 4
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #79 on:
June 16, 2009, 08:53:00 am »
Well I must like it too... I haven't played anything else since I got this. The new default skin I picked up helped tremendously. Why on earth EA put so much effort into high-rez, changeable sim meshes yet failed to provide skins that would show off the subtlety, is beyond me.
Its buggy... in fact very buggy. Yet there's a lot to discover and enjoy. I love the career nuances, such as being "on-call" as a Doctor, or "questioning" people as a Cop. The seamless neighborhood is very cool and looks great. I can't wait for more CC to come out
Site Santa!
Posts: 45
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #80 on:
June 16, 2009, 05:52:13 pm »
I like the game but they're things in the game that I don't like.
The Patterns. Now all the furniture and stuff can match unlike the last sim games.
Moving freely throughout the neighborhood
The traits
How you can change the voice of your sim.
the hideheadlineeffects. This hides the annoying progress bar too.
They don't complain as much as they did in sims 2.
The video capture: My graphics look great in the game and while recording but when watch the recordings in windows movie player it's all pixelled. I still don't know whats that about but I found out when I record high (uncompressed) it's fine but doing that takes up a lot of disk space.
You can't make your own neighborhood.
You can't actually go inside the venues on the community lots.
The slider. I wish my female sims didn't have such small boobs the smaller they are.
Switching to another household, I spent 20 minutes trying to figure that out. LOL.
The Social Interactions.
The hairsyles. But I hated sims 1 and 2's hairstyles too.
I'll continue to play it because it is fun but I'm sticking with Sims 2 for making movies.
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Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #81 on:
June 17, 2009, 09:09:27 am »
I'm getting used to the different style of gameplay now, but what lets the game down for me is that I've been spoiled by all the CC and variety that we have for TS2 and I want that for TS3. Now. Immediately.
aside from the lack of variety, what
lets down the look of the sims, for me, is the eyes. They're so damn cartoony. Doesn't matter how good you can get a sim to look, you can't change the eyes. I hope that a way can be found to add better looking eyes.
"They're a rum lot, the Yorkshire folk. You can't fool them, you certainly can't get away with much and they call a spade a spade. Or rather, they call a spade 'a bloody shovel'"
Mark Addy
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Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #82 on:
June 17, 2009, 08:57:41 pm »
I agree partially with what Ali said. I have become so used to using CC (like the Insimenator to keep from having to do all those little things like make them sleep, eat, etc.) in Sims 2, that to start playing Sims 3 and having to worry about all that stuff again, is kinda annoying. I hope at some point, someone decides to making something similiar to Insimenator or what not so I can have that sort of stuff again.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those that piss me off.
Posts: 229
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #83 on:
June 17, 2009, 10:58:48 pm »
The more I play, the more I realize this "story progression" is nothing more than creepy asexual cloning. None of my "not currently active sims" have gotten married, had children, progressed in thier careers, had anything at all good happen to them, and the biggest let down, if you leave them and they have a birthday while you are gone, they automatically get bad traits, because, well, thier life is bad if you dont controll them.
They get depressed when I leave them and clone themselves. creepy, weird and it sucks. FIX THIS EA!!!!!!
Posts: 11
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #84 on:
June 19, 2009, 10:58:34 am »
I personally think there're some advantages and some major disandvantages in Sims 3.
Customizing tool is absolutely fabulous - you really can customize every little thing and it is awesome. No loading screen is great too, in Sims 2 going somewhere is just suicidal.
But, I've hated so many things. Community lots are crappy - big weird "tents" that you cant even go inside and see, decorate and simply control your sim in there. This no control over the sim in community lot makes the gameplay so much more empty that it already is. The Sims 2 had so much more options in community lot. And now - the only place you can actually see is this crappy absolutely empty park and the graveyard. I was most of all exited for the game to be released to have the whole town and options more accesable and what I see - those empty tents with no options at all.
Maybe it's just me, but I liked Sims 2' create a sim much more. I don't know, they all just look more likeable and unique. Body types are so dissapointing - you can just make them skinny, fat or in between. I thought you can cange bust sizes, legs, but and all those stuff. Nothing special at all. The hair customizing thing is sure awesome, but still - I can hardly imagine adding new meshes and clothing types to the ones in the game. Maybe some programm that will create new meshes for the game will be released, but I don't know. Right now seems like there's only custom sims, lots and patterns can be added.
The gameplay is empty, because of the town "buildings" there's nothing to do at all, and I'm having a really hard time understanding the sim relationships. Seriously, my sims had fallen in love but that's it. Marriage, Children - where? I've never seen the Proposal button at all.
Overall, I'm dissapointed cause I've expected a lot more possibilites and exitement in The Sims 3. I was ready to be impressed and erase Sims 2 because I thought it would be all the same but better. EA were in such a big rush to pull our money out, they didn't fulfill any of the expectations. It's a real shame, let's see how many useless addons and stuff packs they'll release for Sims 3 now - scam scam scam.
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Posts: 228
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #85 on:
June 19, 2009, 12:16:08 pm »
I agree. The gameplay is very empty. Once the "new and shiny" novelty wore off for myself I lost all interest in the game.
Ae Young Kim
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Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #86 on:
June 19, 2009, 12:40:32 pm »
All I know is that I've NEVER seen any Sims game that has such polarized reviews on Amazon. Not Sims 2 (80% of the Amazon reviews on the original base game were four- and five-star!), and definitely not Sims 1. (Not nearly as good a sampling, but the base game alone also had 80% four- and five-star reviews, and the complete collection had about 81%.) Even Apartment Life, which was not exactly the most popular Sims 2 expansion out there, had a little more than 63% four- and five-star reviews. Sims 3 isn't even close to THAT. (The Collector's Edition, which overall has better reviews than the standard edition ... why, I don't know ... is only around 43%. The standard game is around 38%.)
It's almost like there are two entirely different versions of Sims 3 out there ... the "good" version and the "bad" version!
P. S. Good news, though, for those who are hoping the game price goes lower ... you're getting a better and better chance of grabbing this game off of EBay for still another discount. (Just as an aside ... I got all of my Sims 2 games on either EBay or super-sales. All new.) A sealed standard edition just went for $35, which is just about $5 off of Amazon's already-discounted $39.99 price. I saw another new one go for $33, but that isn't too common yet. And a new sealed Collector's Edition just went for $53. (In all fairness, though, the bids for the latter are usually a little higher. However, this auction does show that with a little bit of patience, you can get a good deal on the CE.) All include any shipping charges. And the game isn't even a month old! Now I really AM curious to see what this game goes for six months from now!
Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 11:24:12 am by gazania
Posts: 296
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #87 on:
June 19, 2009, 01:03:22 pm »
So far from what I see, people are starting to make skintones now, peggyzone has a Extremely realistic skintone..... man this game will look much better and be much fun now. I love creation and art, I like at the sims 2 and 3 as art. I'm giving this game a chance, cuz I started playing the sims back in 2003. Now that the sims 3 is out, I will find a way to make mods or hair for this to make the community happy.... I hope some folks can give this game a chance. just be on the look out for my work
Sorry no requests,I'm a townie maker and Maxis killer on maxis sims.
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Posts: 482
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #88 on:
June 20, 2009, 07:01:13 am »
I also have mixed feelings about the game right now, but I am confident that as time goes by, people will make it more and more realistic.
For me, the customization is just wonderful. I can have anything I want match anything else. That's something I value because for me half the fun is building and having things look good together. I am not too thrilled at how the game looks cartoony, but I guess it will get better in time as people invent ways around it. I was also wishing that bodies would have been more customizable, things like decreasing the size of the waist and shoulders or increasing bust size, thickness of arms and legs. I don't like how it has just one body that gets fat or skinny, but even that is a great improvement over the old game. I originally was not going to get the game, but now I am sold on it.
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Posts: 564
Re: The sims 3, What do you think?
Reply #89 on:
June 20, 2009, 07:55:01 am »
Well, well. I played the game extreme by now to test how long I would stand an original game. Uuh! I have already installed the awesome mod and something to stop the zzz when Sims are sleeping. Building is OK and I have very little to claim (really just the fact that you STILL cannot connect normal walls to walls over foundation).
4th day of play - I'm completely fed-up. Reason: something named Moodlet I think. In the beginning I thought it to be sort of short term memory but it is not this - it is a full control of the game over the player - you follow the crap or you get punished (one of my Sims started to talk to the walls and show a pink crazy head with the tongue out of the mouth). Besides those moodlets, there are also phone calls that give you tasks, one more boring than the other. It is stressing because the tasks have also day and time to accomplish, so you cannot enjoy the game at all. Besides all this, you are forced to take your Sims out of their house all the time or they become crazy for being home.
Ow, ow! I still want a Building Program with dummies to test it. Sims are already those dummies but I urge to get rid of Eaxis dummies.
I said I moved a family to a lot and played them. Yes, I am now in the third generation.The game kills all your neighbors all the time and time passing is not logical at all. You start with a hood where all the Pleasant View characters are present, but as 25 years before. I met Cornelia Goth on the streets, next time I met her she was already old and next time Gunther Goth died in front of my eyes on a park. Sims that die outside the playable family disapears forever, you don't find their ghosts on any cemetery and you cannot put their tombs on your inventory, because you don't have access to it.
Bella Bachellor was a child exactly like Mortimer but aged ten times faster than him.
You make a friend for nothing. One of my playable approached the Maid, next time he called her she was already an elder, he proposed her marriage and she died before he placed a ring on her finger.
Worst of all, I built up the house to be renewed according to the family increase. The Sims cannot choose a route that is not used by other Sim, so they crash each other all the time and at every crash they idle for a while. So, you have to build a lot of space around to avoid that they crash each other and on the end, it is exactly like in the beginning of TS2, you end-up with a big square with a roof on the top.
80% of the time you have to wait that Sims simply idle by reason of bumping on someone. Try to call everybody for meal! And me who likes to build only small homes.
The game is requiring a lot of fine tuning and on the worst - you will need to upgrade your computer by next possible EP (to upgrade mine will cost more than the computer self - graphic cards and ram cost a fortune by us).
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